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The Bibles we offer at Olive Tree Bible Book Store are excellent translations of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. "The Scriptures" are by far the Best literal translation on the market, at a very affordable price! "The One New Man Bible and it's companion " Power New Testament" give an excellent translation which convey the original Jewish meanings. Very informative to help the reader understand the Jewish context that the Bible was originally written in. Then we offer the old KJV personal reference Bible in bonded leather, a Bible that I have personally used for many, many years! Nothing fancy here, but excellent Bibles, that take a back seat to none! Daily reading with any of these Bibles will make the serious student of the Bible grow in his walk with the Most High, not only to enter the race, but to finish the race!

CompleteJewishBible:EnglishVersion - Tanakh (Old Testament)(NewTestament) Soft Cover
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"The Scriptures"Bible.ISR(Duo-Tone)TanSoftLeather-likeCover,Beautiful!2009 Ed.
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