Many times we are asked what is considered clean food? We want to follow the Loving Instructions of our Heavenly Creator Elohim, but how? This page will try and shed some light on this subject. We will use reference from the Scripture, Elohim's Word,Video presentations, Articles, etc... Number One for us to consider, how did Yeshua the Messiah live, how did He eat? What did He teach in considering this? For Messiah came not only to lay down His precious life so that we who believe may have life, in His Father's Kingdom, but He came also to teach us Torah (Instructions on how to live), This same Torah that has been passed down through the generations since the creation of mankind. Passed down through Elohim's chosen people. He has always had a remnant in this world that follows Him. Then these instructions Torah, Our Creator instructed His Prophet Moshe(Moses) to write down these eternal Instructions. We commonly refer as the Books of Moses, or Torah (the first five books of the Bible). We hope this will be a Blessing to you. Shalom.